Dr Justin L.T. Peter
Partner GP
BSc. 1989; MBBS 1992; DRCOG 1995; MRCGP 1996
Dr Daniela M.C. Amasanti-DeBono
Partner GP
MBChB 1994; DFFP 2000; MRCGP 2001
Dr Thivyan Thiruudaian
Partner GP
BSc 2003; MBBS 2006; MRCGP 2011
Dr Kavel Patel
Partner GP
BSc; MBBS 2004; MRCP 2011
Dr Nick Dattani
Partner GP
MBBS 2003; MRCGP 2014
Dr Sarah Shelley
Partner GP
MBBS 1999; MRCGP 2007; DFFP
Dr Nikesh Patel
Partner GP
MBChB 2011; MRCGP 2016
Arshna Sanghrajka
Senior Pharmacist & Salaried Partner
MPharm 1996; I.P.
Dr Amanda Grattan
Associate GP
BSc 2005; MBBS 2008; DRCOG 2013; MRCGP 2014
Dr Jenny Noimark
Associate GP
BSc 1998; BA 2002; MBBS 2004; MA 2005; DRCOG 2007; DFSRH 2008; MRCGP 2010
Dr Abigail Sharland
Associate GP
BSc 2008; MBBS 2010; MRCGP 2016
Dr Anuja Shah
Associate GP
BSc (Hons) 2007; MBBS 2009; DCH 2012; DRCOG 2014; DFSRH 2014; MRCGP 2014
Dr Joanna Seres
Associate GP
BSc (Hons) 2003, MBBS 2005; DCH 2007, DRCOG 2009 , MRCGP 2012
MBBS or MBChB = Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
DRCOG = Diploma of Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
DFFP = Diploma of Family Planning
FRCGP = Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners
MRCGP = Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners
BSc = Bachelor of Science
DipPCR = Diploma in Primary Care Rheumatology
DCH = Diploma of Child Health
MPharm = Master of Pharmacy
IP = Independent Prescriber
Extended Clinical Team
Practice Nurses
Practice Nurses are fully trained in a wide range of skills including immunisations, health promotion, contraception and management of long-term conditions e.g. advise on diet and lifestyle choices, coronary heart disease, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, smoking cessation and obesity. Practice Nurses can extend their skills at Diploma Level and see many patients who previously would have seen the Doctor.
Our Practice Nurses Gail Nolan, Hasna Ramdani, Ayoni Welivitigoda, Isimat Aromashodun, and Claire Yager run surgeries for practical nursing procedures and chronic diseases such as Asthma, COPD and Hypertension (see Our Clinics for the full list).
Clinical Pharmacists
Practice based clinical pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines and can help people in a range of ways. This includes carrying out structured medication reviews for patients with ongoing health problems and improving patient safety, outcomes and value through a person-centred approach. Our senior clinical pharmacists Arshna Sanghrajka and Femeeda Padhani work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines, consult with and treat patients directly, and run long term condition clinics for Diabetes and Asthma/COPD.
Having clinical pharmacists in GP practices means that GPs can focus their skills where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with more complex conditions. This helps GPs to manage the demands on their time.
Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
Healthcare Assistants can consult patients for a number of reasons. Their main roles include:
Our HCA team is: Lisa, Maria, Sharifa, and Jehona
Physician Associates (PA)
Physician associates (PAs) are medically trained healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of doctors and other members of the practice team to provide a range of patient care. They are able to:
- Take medical histories from patients
- Carry out physical examinations
- See patients for on-the-day or scheduled appointments e.g. minor illnesses
- Manage and treat patients above the age of 16y and make referrals
- Review and act on routine laboratory results as part of long-term condition monitoring
- Run specialist clinics such as long term conditions (e.g. Asthma/COPD, Hypertension, High Cholesterol)
- Provide patient health promotion and disease prevention advice
- Help GPs with some admin tasks
Our Physician Associates, Purvi Shah and Sharon Lam, are trained and qualified to run their own clinical appointments but always work under the supervision of a GP and all patients are triaged by a GP.
Practice Team
Practice Management
Hira Haroon
Deputy Practice Operations Manager
The Practice Manager manages all of the business aspects of the Practice such as making sure the right systems and the right people are in place, at the right time, in order to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises, equipment and IT (information technology).
The Practice Manager supports the Admin Team, GPs and other medical professionals to deliver patient services and also helps to develop extended services, enhancing patient experience and care.
Reception staff attend to patients on the phone and in person.
They coordinate and organise appointments, manage patient queries and facilitate the smooth running of the Practice to support delivery of quality patient care; the Reception Staff have a very demanding role, they are there to assist you and we would ask you to be patient during peak times when the staff have to handle a large volume of calls and enquiries.
They will ask you a small amount of personal information about your medical condition which is used to ensure your call is dealt with by the correct Clinician at the right time.
Medical Secretaries & Administrative Staff
These staff assist in the day-to-day running of the Practice.
Their work involves typing up letters, processing referrals, chasing information from other organisations, registering new patients, inviting patients for their routine long-term condition reviews and much more.
All staff adhere to the Practice’s Confidentiality Policy and Data Protection Act 2018.
Wider Healthcare Team
GP practices are working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in groups of practices known as Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
What is a Primary Care Network (PCN)?
Millway Medical Practice is a member of Barnet PCN 4 with three other local practices. The following staff are not employed by the Practice but work for the PCN and can be accessed through the practice:
Pharmacy Team
Our PCN has clinical pharmacists who are highly qualified experts in medicines providing additional support to practices. They undertake structured medication reviews for patients with ongoing health problems, improve patient safety and outcomes, and can also review patients with certain long-term conditions such as Asthma, COPD and Hypertension (high blood pressure). Our PCN clinical pharmacists are Mita Shah, Mina Bahash and Omar Aftab.
In addition to the pharmacists, the PCN also has a Pharmacy Technician. These are registered healthcare professionals who, working under the supervision of a pharmacist, support the team with a range of tasks that vary in complexity from responding to medication related queries to ensuring medication safety and regular monitoring. Our PCN pharmacy technician is Shehzad Hussain.
First Contact Physiotherapists (FCP)
First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) based in general practice can deal with the vast majority of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions without a GP review. They provide a first point of contact service which means that patients presenting with a musculoskeletal problem (e.g. back, knee, hip or neck pain) for a GP appointment are offered an appointment with a physiotherapist instead. They have the skills to assess, diagnose, offer self-management advice, and if necessary refer for investigations or further treatment. Our FCPs are Georgios Grigoriou and Soham Deb.
Social Prescribers
Social prescribing is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
Social prescribing works for a wide range of people, including people:
- with one or more long-term conditions
- who need support with their mental health
- who are lonely or isolated
- who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing
Our Social Prescriber Link Workers are Emma Hatfield, Natasha Mulcahy, Arianna Petralia, and Evelina Rimasauskaite.
Mental Health Practitioner
A significant amount of time within primary care is spent on people who have mental health needs. The time required to address these needs can be large, and it is often more appropriate for the patient to see a skilled professional with training in mental health issues than other members of the team. The Mental Health Practitioner role is designed to work closely with clinicians to assess, diagnose and treat patients with significant mental illness. Our Mental Health Practitioner is Olan Maligaya.
Health and Wellbeing Coach
The health coaching service offers a non-clinical series of up to six 1:1 sessions supporting people to actively engage with their own health and wellbeing. Health coaching is not advice giving but instead focuses on what is important to the person, guiding and supporting them to reflect on and change their health-related behaviours to achieve their self- identified goals. Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches are Rebecca Nix, Louise Bains, and Ashwini Shah.
Care Coordinator
Care Coordinators play an important role within a PCN to proactively identify and work with people, including the frail/elderly and those with long-term conditions, to provide coordination and navigation of care and support across our health care services.
Care Coordinators can potentially provide extra time, capacity, and support to patients in preparing for or in following-up clinical conversations they have with primary care professionals.
They will work closely with the GPs and other allied health professionals within the PCN to identify and manage a caseload of patients, making sure that the appropriate support is made available to them and their careers, and ensuring that their changing needs are addressed. This is achieved by bringing together all the information about a person’s identified care and support needs and exploring options to meet these needs with a single patient centred approach personalised care plan. Our Care Coordinators are Raisa Niamat and Shelley Goodacre.
Other professionals
Millway also has access to a range of other health professionals who are employed outside of the practice and PCN, but available locally within Barnet:
- District Nurses – see housebound patients for a range of nursing services (e.g. dressings, blood tests, administer medication)
- Occupational Therapists – help you with practical tasks in all aspects of daily life within your home, school or workplace
- Health Visitors – help with the care of children aged 0-5y
Buddy Group System
What is it?
The buddy system consists of 2 groups of clinicians with each team looks after the patients within that group if one of the members is absent, for example during annual leave.
How do you know which group you are in?
Every patient has a usual GP or has been allocated a named GP. The buddy system is based on who the usual GP is and which team they belong to. For example, if your usual GP is Dr Peter then you belong to the Red Team and can be cared for in Dr Peter’s absence by any of the other GPs in the red team below. These groups meet regularly to discuss cases, work closely together and handover patients during periods of absence. The buddy group system ensures you still get continuity of care by a dedicated team member even if your usual GP is not available on that day.
Below are the buddy groups, defined by colours.
Red Buddy Group | Blue Buddy Group |
Dr J. Peter | Dr D. Amasanti-DeBono |
Dr K. Patel | Dr T. Thiruudian |
Dr S. Shelley | Dr N. Dattani |
Dr N. Patel | Dr J. Noimark |
Dr A. Shah | Dr A. Sharland |
Dr A. Grattan | Dr J. Seres |
Dr N. Kuganenderan | Dr A. Anand |
Dr B. Gami | Arshna Sanghrajka (Pharmacist) |
Femeeda Padhani (Pharmacist) | Purvi Shah (Physician Associate) |
Sharon Lam (Physician Associate) |
Please note that from time to time we move patients across teams from an administrative point to manage workload of doctors. This does not prevent you seeing your usual GP, if you would like to change your usual GP please contact reception.